Crossroads Women's Ministries
History for Lydia's Workshop (history as of 02/13/2009 18:12:56)

Lydia, an important woman in the Bible, is mentioned in Acts 16. The website,, is full of interesting info about her. For now, we will say that she was a successful business woman - a dealer in purple cloth - who was perhaps Paul’s first convert to Christianity in Europe. She then was a supporter of Paul’s missionary work, and the building of the church.

We are going to follow her example by having our church open on a routine
basis for doing crafts together. We are currently meeting the 1st Wednesday evening of every month from 6:30 'til 9~ish in the basement large classroom. We will bring our projects and have fellowship while we work. At some point, we will hold a Lydia’s Workshop consignment-style sale with at least 10% of the profit going to our church's mission efforts. Some crafters will be donating some of their work for Lydia’s Workshop sale, but participation in the sale is voluntary. We are hoping to eventually invite area crafters to join our group.

Things to hopefully be included are: knitting, crocheting, paintings, woodworking, photos, jewelry, card making, frames, quilting, etc. We will add some mornings so those not available in the evenings can participate. Men are also welcome to come.

Come join us! See how we are doing…maybe give us some ideas… and
encouragement as we use our “gifts” to spread the Gospel to others.



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